Monday, November 24, 2008

Micheal Jackson Embraces Islam

Aku dapat email pagi ni....Tajuk cam best je! Aku baca la....

Tapi aku tertanya-tanya....? Betul ke berita ni? Atau kabar angin saja?....

Apa kata anda semua baca statement kat bawah ni.....


Reports are saying that singer Michael Jackson, 50, converted to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel. His long time friends, songwriter Dawud (David) Wharnsby Ali and producer Idris Phillip (formely Phillip Bubal) introduced and taught him about the religion. With an Imam present, the Shahadah took place on Friday in Los Angeles at a friend’s home.

Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) for showing him the light to this beautiful and peaceful religion. And may Allahu ta’alaa make it easy for him. We wish him all the best!

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 2:52 PM on 21st November 2008

Beleaguered pop star Michael Jackson has converted to Islam and changed his name to Mikaeel, it has been claimed today.

The 50-year-old singer, who has previously been photographed wearing a traditional Arab women’s veil, reportedly became a Muslim in a ceremony at a friend’s house in Los Angeles.

The singer, who was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, is said to have sat on the floor and worn a small hat while an imam officiated at the home of Steve Porcaro, who composed music on his Thriller album.

He is said to have been encouraged by Canadian songwriter David Wharnsby and Phillip Bubal, a producer, who both approached him after he appeared ‘a bit down’.

A source told The Sun: ‘They began talking to him about their beliefs, and how they thought they had become better people after they converted. Michael soon began warming to the idea.

‘An imam was summoned from the mosque and Michael went through the shahada, which is the Muslim declaration of belief.’

His brother Jermaine Friday, previously hinted Jackson was considering converting to the religion.

‘When I came back from Mecca I got him a lot of books and he asked me lots of things about my religion and I told him that it’s peaceful and beautiful,’ said Friday, who embraced the faith in 1989.

‘He read everything and he was proud of me that I found something that would give me inner strength and peace.

‘He could do so much, just like I am trying to do. Michael and I and the word of God, we could do so much.’

Meanwhile, Jackson is scheduled to give evidence in person at London’s High Court to defend allegations that he owes an Arab sheikh £4.7 million.

His barrister, Robert Englehart QC, told Mr Justice Sweeney today that he was withdrawing his application for Jackson to give his evidence via video link from Los Angeles because of health fears.

‘He has been cleared by his medical advisers to travel in two days’ time,’ he told the judge.

Jackson is expected to arrive in the UK over the weekend to give his evidence on Monday afternoon.

-The End-


Tommy Alanzo said...

Berita ni sudah lama aku dgr sejak beberapa tahun lepas... kejap jadi panas kejap jadi sejuk dr mulut2 org... pastu tetiba kuar pulak di news malaysia (aku terbaca)...
tp ada bilang itu hanya gimik n propa selebriti barat utk mintak perhatian... mcm mariah carey yg berpura-pura suruh doktor sahkan dia alami masalah mental (gila) masa dia kurang dpt sambutan n hampir tenggelam then dia naik smula n terus naik sampai skrg! Then britney pulak ikut mcm dia... kes michael jackson ni ala2 paula abdul yg american idol punya 'pengomen' tu! Kejap kata dia islam kejap kata dia kristian n last2 buat kenyataan dia kristian smula! Bodoh lah org2 barat ni suka mempersendkan agama! Michael jackson tu rasanya gimik sb skrg dia sdg jatuh muflis lepas taman tema neverland dia ngan rumah dia kena jual! Pastu kena saman oleh kwn dia sendiri org islam drpd arab, saman 7 bilion us dollar baru2 ni! Kesian jugak dia tp rasanya sudah puas dia hidup dlm kemewahan, enjoy n having fun slama 50 tahun hidup! Kalau dia masuk islam pun baguslah (terbayang pulak aku michael jackson pakai purdah cover muka dia yg slama ni dia memang cari cara utk buat imej cover muka... hwa3) sb maybe dia dah capai tahap ketakutan bila tfikir pasal kematian n alam akhirat? Tp aku tertanya-tanya, ada masa ka dia mau blajar semula agama baru dia sedangkan agamanya yg lama pun rasanya belum habis lagi dia study or 'feel'??? Aku pernah dgr n tgk lagu michael jackson (konon) lagu dia nyanyi utk agama islam di youtube dulu! Suara memang mcm suara dia... cuba ko cari! Apa pun, kalau dia masuk islam n jadi manusia yg semakin bagus xpa juga tp kalau hanya nak publisiti, kesianlah org2 melayu yg terlalu ghairah n bangga dgr berita mcm ni! hwa3! (tp syg kulit n hidung yg dia ubah tu takkan dpt kembali spt asal... hwa3) maybe dia percaya jika dia masuk islam, segala dosa n apa yg dia ubah dlm diri n body dia tu akan diampunkan oleh yg Mahakuasa n akan menjadi spt bayi yg bersih tanpa dosa sejurus ucap 2 kalimah syahadah? Kita tgk n perhatikan sahajalah berita pasal michael jackson ni dari masa ke smasa... maybe 1 or 2 or 3 n so on tahun akan dtg berita pasal dia ni jadi lain lagi... masuk hindu ke, buddha ke, dia kan raja pop dunia so pasti byk lagi berita 'gila' pasal dia ni! Trust me n ingat kata2 bibirku ini! (padahal jari jak yg menaip!) hwa3
haiiiii michael, apa2 jak lah! Buli Bah Kalo Ko mikaeel! hwa3

Tommy Alanzo said...

uiii nah panjang pulak komen ku ini! keboringan bah aku time ni! xtau mau buat apa! myspace ndak buli bukak ni! heran bin pelik!

ANGEL said...

juling mata aku baca statement ko ni tommy!!!hahaha..

tp ada betul nya yang ko tulis tu..
aku pun rasa macam tu juga..

Macam-macam ada kat dunia ni!
Ada yang gila harta..
Ada yang gila glamour..
Ada yang gila cerai..

Entah!!aku pun semakin nda paham dengan dunia sekarang ni..makin sot!!!hwa3...

Tp nda pa la...
yang penting kita x gila mcm dia org..kita gila tahap standard jak!!!bhahahaha...